Oh Atlanta!  What a great time we had.  We spent so much time with close friends and not enough with anyone.  There are still people I wanted to see but just never could make the time.   It always feels rushed.   Regardless, it was great to see the friends we did see.  I always feel like visiting here makes me feel like we have a home to come back to.....   like we can just easily pick up with friends and that life in Fiji doesn't make us soooo far away.     We all had a blast! 

We got here two days after it snowed so the girls got to play in the remnants of the snow and even make a snow man!   They connected with all of their old friends and we also saw the Robertsons!  We did a Air bnb with them for three days, so not only did we see the friends here in Atlanta but we also connected with our old Fiji besties.  We even combined the Atlanta friends and Fiji friends so it all felt perfect.   There was a lot of socializing and eating and doctor visits.   I gained a lot of weight and I feel happy and connected.   I'm so thankful to Allison and Tom who had us in their home and let us borrow their car!  They could not be more perfect hosts.   I am so grateful for Wendy and Brent and Michael and Shirean for looking after our girls like they are second parents.   I love that the Robertsons came all this way just to see us and that we picked up with each other like we just left yesterday.    I am so grateful for this community and know that we are all better for it.  

Side note-  the first day here we all woke up with sore eyes, noses, and throats.   36 hours into the trip, we all looked like lizards.  Our bodies are soooo dry!  Andie crawled into our bed on the first night in Atlanta saying how badly her throat hurt.   She was fine, it was just dry.  We are NOT used to the heat drying us out!   Zoё's lips and thumb were so chapped they scabbed up.    Also, I cannot run in this cold! I used to love running in the cold.  Now my lungs hurt while I run - I feel like I cannot even breathe!  It's funny getting used to a new climate all over again! I wonder if Fiji will feel even more humid when we return.  

ready for the snow

snow ball fight!


Willa!!!!!   We surpised her at pickup at her school.  Both girls so happy!


Tasty brews

cookie batter sold like it's icecream- crazy sweet

beautiful air bnb

Dinner with the Robertsons! Yay!!!!

These two.  They had their arms around each other 95% of the time they were here.

Either arms wrapped or holding hands.  Melted my heart. 

Indoctrinating Robertsons to King of Pops

We had the best time at Botanical Gardens!

Girls dancing at the bar to the dj....

ride home

these girls and their blankies!

goodbyes are hard

sweet Lola!!!!  It was great to see her!!!!   One eyed and one eared and just as lovable!

went to cool pop up Thai restaurant where Alton Brown was at counter!!!!

Flight to ATL
I'm obsessed with this tea!!!!


loved sitting by the fire

Farmers Market

We accidentally opened this bottle of Dom!!!!   It was tasty!!! THanks Allison and Tom!

lots of sleepovers!

GPCP reunion.  Love these friends

Andie got her ears pierced!!!!!! Big deal!

Look at those eyes.....
