Flash from the old Peace Corps days
Yesterday turned out to be a pretty crappy day. I am so glad I had this little nugget of happiness to not make it a total crap day. When I checked Facebook yesterday morning I saw this. This is my old downstairs neighbor from my Peace Corps days in St.Vincent from 2000 to 2002. She is now in her 20's and we are "friends" on Facebook. I love getting a glimpse into her adult life. She and her 4 brothers and her mother lived downstairs from me, but basically they were my roommates for 2 years. I LOVED those kids and their mama too. They slept at my house, used my bathroom, ate meals with me. Wilda, their mom, adopted me into their family like I was one of them. They truly made my Peace Corps experience everything that it was - an experience where I grew into who I am today. In case you cannot read what she wrote it says, "This lady right here gave me some of the best memories of my childhood life." Her mom agreed in the comments. Wow. Th