The weekend continued
As I mentioned, I want to document the rest of last weekend because it was one of those weekends where there were many moments that I felt validated that we made the right choice in moving here. There were so many times that I felt content...and I want to remember those moments...for the times when I miss home and wonder what we are doing here. When we woke up at the Christian camp, we ate a nice breakfast with the volunteers and hung around while all the volunteers packed up and found their transport back to the city. Andie and Zoe found the Fijian children that reside at the camp and played happily (and barefoot) for the whole morning. They played with the dog, swung on the swings, played in their house, caught more bull-frogs, ate cake, and went fishing. As I packed up the room and heard them laughing with the kids, I felt so happy that they could make friends anywhere, despite language barriers. The kids took the girls fishing. This was not the traditional fishing tha