
Showing posts from May, 2015

My Birthday letter for Zoe

birthday Age 1 Age 2 Age 3 Age 4 with best friend, Willa My dearest Zoe, (blogger won't let me add umlaut....but feels wrong without it),      I cannot believe you are now five years old!  Five years old means you are old enough for school and even though you have been going to some sort of school for the majority of your short life,... you are now officially old enough to go into kindergarten.....stateside anyway.   Of course, you seem ready in every way to conquer grade school and  any obstacles that may come with it.  You have blossomed into the most independent, confident leader.   You still have a shy side....and some insecurities....but when you really want to, you can influence anyone to do things your way...even your mom and dad.        You are by far the funniest kid I know.  You  have this sense of humor that is wise beyond your years.  You have mastered comedic timing and even though your jokes are often massively inappropriate,  

Fiji Fashion week

This week is Fiji Fashion week in Suva.  There are a lot of fun activities throughout the week to celebrate.  Fiji is working hard to get this fashion week to international standards.   On Wednesday I went to a charity luncheon with a 70's theme and tonight I am going to one of the shows.   After the fun two + hour lunch on Wednesday, I zipped over to the school to lead the PTFA meeting as president.  It just so happens that this meeting happened to be the most highly attended meeting so far this year (not due to me) and the principal was present.   Nothing like leading a meeting in your entirely inappropriate, too short for Suva and definitely too short for primary school, 70's style shift dress.   Thankfully, half of the members were at the luncheon too.   Our table We made it in the paper!

Birthday weekend

Every year for the girls' birthdays I write them a birthday letter.   I am behind on Zoe's birthday this year.  She just turned 5 on Sunday (Monday in the states).   Warren joked that she wasn't really five yet on Sunday because chronologically we would have to wait until Monday...but whatever... we celebrated on May 24!   I am currently working on her birthday letter.  I have one for both girls from the time they were born.  Maybe when they turn 15 or so I'll share the letters with them.  Once I finish the letter to Z, I'll post it here.  (Aiming to have it done by Friday).   This week is so crazy busy because I am the new interim president for PTFA (PTA) at the kids' school.  Never ever in my life did I see myself being PTA president...but it works for now...and it is only for this month until we find a permanent president.   Thank goodness it's not a long term position because honestly, I just don't think I'm organized enough to pull this off well

Field trip

Yesterday I went on a field trip with Andie's class to the rain forest.   It was so much fun!  These kids walked for over 2 hours with heavy backpacks on the whole way.   In the resting moments, they all pulled out their sketch books to document nature in action.  It was pretty awesome.   How cool that they get to take a field trip through the rain forest?!   Go Greenies!  This is the group I was partially responsible for.  Lots of walking! Do they look tired? Here's the kids sketching My artist at work Oh, and P.S.  We saw this rainbow this morning while kids were waiting for bus.   Pretty awesome! Lastly, I failed to mention that last week we had to say goodbye to Brooke and Solo.  They are now in Alaska....  Solo is getting to experience all sorts of American firsts which has been fun to follow on facebook....but not nearly as wonderful as having them here...