Happy 8th Birthday Z!

Zo ë ! You are 8 years old! 8! I cannot believe it. To me, you are still my little baby and probably always be, even when you are grown and maybe have your own children one day- you’ll still be my sweet baby girl. This birthday has been special because we know it’s your last one in Fiji. We’ve had all of your favorite friends (and you have many) over for a party and sleepover, we had our Fiji family/friends over for a celebratory gathering and just the four of us went out to Daikoku and Snowy House for dinner too. It’s easy to celebrate your life because we all love you so much! You are well liked among your peers. Last year at the end of year 1 when all of the students got to write down three friends they wanted to be in year 2 with, you were selected by so many! I was privy to the information as I helped form the future classes as the school counselor and I couldn’t stop smiling when I saw...