
I have no pictures, but my kids both made me smile in pride yesterday.   Zoё has accomplished a front hand spring.  She's worked very hard on it and has finally achieved it!  So proud of her!   As she was telling me about it we were in a mad rush amidst a massive thunderstorm to get to swimming to pick up Andie.  I was worried about Andie being at the pool by herself in a loud storm so I was trying to get there quickly.   I imagined Andie being scared and hiding away somewhere.   I should have known better.  When I pulled up in the near dark,  I spotted Andie's silhouette dancing in the rain and splashing in the puddles.   She was soaking wet and extremely happy.  Everyone else was taking cover, but sweet Andie was just splashing around.  Once she got in the car soaking wet I mentioned that it looked like she was having fun and she replied, "Ya, I figured I'd just make the best of the situation."   

Proud of them for such different reasons - hard work and determination for Zoё and such an amazing, positive attitude for Andie.    Warms my heart.
