Random mix of news

A lot of little things happen that I don't usually find the time to sit down and blog about....but here are a few. Phone: Actually, this is kind of big for me. I have decided to stop using my phone while I drive. I had gotten really terrible at using the phone all of the time while I drive. It was to the point that if I didn't have my phone in my lap or in my hand as I drove, I felt like something was missing. I use What's App to keep in touch with my besties at home and I used it ALL of the time when I drove. I even got pulled over a few weeks ago for talking on the phone and almost got a $100 ticket. I am embarrassed to admit, it didn't change my behavior. I just put down the phone when I saw police officers near by. One of my best friend's inspired me to put an end to my dangerous behavior. She sent me this clip ( https://youtu.be/OVnRcIXEqaU ). It still gives me chills. Also, I sometimes follow the blog Mo...