Other than catching some crazy head cold, it's been a good week. Thanksgiving was relaxed. The girls stayed home from school and just had a lazy morning playing games with Amma. We then went to one of the embassy houses to enjoy a HUGE feast. Yummy. We ate far too much and had a nice time. That night we kept up a Thanksgiving tradition in my house...and went to see Moana in the theater. It was SO good! We all loved it. How cool to have a South Pacific princess...except she isn't even really a princess, but a warrior - which makes it even cooler. The soundtrack is amazing! The girls danced on stage until the final credits. It was fun to see in Fiji and will always remind me of our time here. The game of Life to get Thanksgiving rolling playing on her own in playroom part of the meal before the aluminum foil came off...I wasn't quick enough to get any food shots before people started d...